Holding the selector key also allows one to set their firearm in "safe" (which is animated correctly on certain firearms, while others simply default to the selector switch staying on semi or auto). Several of the firearms in-game have knock-off names to avoid copyright conflicts and some of the in-game attachments have slight modifications from their real life counterparts to avoid licensing issues as well.įire selectors are usable and fully animated in-game. Lethal firearms can accept either full metal jacket or hollow point ammunition. Most firearms that appear have multiple different combination of attachments. The third slot is reserved for tactical devices such as a mirrorgun (similar to the "Optiwand" from SWAT 4), breaching shotgun, ballistic shields, battering ram, and compact grenade launchers. The secondary slot is reserved for handguns and tasers. Similar to other games, most notably SWAT 4, the primary weapon slot is reserved for long guns such as rifles, submachine guns, and shotguns, but also less-lethal guns. The player can carry two firearms (primary and sidearm), a primary long tactical device, as well as multiple grenades and other tactical deployables. In Ready or Not, the player's equipment and weapons are chosen at a pre-mission startup. 9.3.6 Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun".9.3.1 12 Gauge Double Barreled Sawed-Off Shotgun.The following weapons appear in the video game Ready or Not (VG): Several weapons from earlier Closed Alpha and Early Access versions were removed in later updates information on those weapons can be found on the talk page. In 2021, the game became listed on Steam, and a public Early Access version was released, featuring only singleplayer and co-op modes. In 2020, a closed alpha version featuring PVP gameplay was released to the game's backers. It is considered a spiritual successor to SWAT 4 and original Rainbow Six games. It has a focus on the singleplayer and coop campaign but is also planned to feature a PVP multiplayer side with an alternate story and game modes. The SWAT team is part of the Los Suenos Police Department (LSPD), but players with the Supporter Edition can play as FBI HRT operators. The game places the player in the role of a SWAT team leader, in a "Nondescript Modern America" and fictional city called "Los Suenos" (heavily based on the Los Angeles, California area). Ready or Not (or RoN) is an upcoming tactical first-person shooter video game, being developed and published by VOID Interactive, a New Zeland based company.